
000webhost 国外免费虚拟主机提供商000webhost(国内俗称“三蛋”)于本月7日在官方论坛发出了招募志愿者的帖子。 志愿者能够进入000webhost的管理后台,能够答复用户提交的服务单,检查服务器的运行状态,接收最新的通告和消息……总之就是能够进入三蛋的“内部”,充当管理员的角色。 同时为了激发志愿者的动力,三蛋还提供了两项相当“丰厚”的奖励:

    • 前五名最活跃的志愿者将获得100美元/月的薪水(每天至少需要回复10-20个服务单)。
    • 免费使用000webhost价值29.84美元/月的虚拟主机产品。
怎么样,是不是心动了?每天上网的时候回回帖子就能每月赚100美元呐!不过想要加入000webhost的志愿者行列需要在论坛发满200个帖子,同时还得需要良好的英语写作能力。后一个要求硬生生的将我的希望之火浇灭了。 如果你对“三蛋”的志愿者项目感兴趣,同时又是英语达人,那就赶紧去报名吧! 论坛地址:http://www.000webhost.com/forum 原文如下:
Hello everyone, there are currently a few more volunteer positions available. As a volunteer you will get a special access to our admin area. You will be able to reply to the tickets, check servers status, get the latest announcements and information, review the websites hosted here. In short, you will get a view from the “inside”. For the time you spend helping us we will give you some motivational stuff. * 5 most active volunteers get a $100 per month salary (10-20 ticket reply per day should be enough for that). * You can choose any hosting plan from www.hosting24.com, we will active it for you for free. That’s up to $29.84 per month value! In order to apply you must have 200 posts on this forum and good English writing skills (mine is bad lol) So please send me a private message as soon you got 200 posts. Have a fun with posting!
Aurimas, Head Admin & CEO





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